Monday 10 February 2014

My budget skincare saviour! 🙌

I love reading blog posts about skincare products because I love trying new things, but more often than not the best skincare products are very very expensive and for someone without a job, it's just not possible to try them.

That's why today, I decided to share with you guys my favourite skincare product that I bought for only FOUR EURO -sudocream!

Now, I'm sure when you hear sudocream you immediately think of baby's bottoms and that's what I thought too, until a friend recommended it to me when I had a particularly bad skin day.

 I had 2 huge spots and a lot of redness, so I decided to put this on overnight and see if it made a difference. When I woke up, the spots had reduced noticeably in size and the redness had cleared up a lot also. I've been using this a lot lately as I've had a lot of breakouts and it really has made a difference!

The only downside to sudocream is when you're wearing it overnight, it can be messy and if you toss and turn a lot like me, you might wake up with it all over your pillow. Other than that, it's a great, cheap spot treatment that most people seem to have at home already!

Have you ever tried it? Let me know :)

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